3rd Year Free Trial Classes


Our 3rd Year FREE Trial Class Series, allow you to understand how our expert teachers help students maximise their marks and achieve better results.

This FREE Trial Class Series will take place on Thursday 29th and Saturday 31st August 2024 and each class will be approximately 60 minutes in length. Students all over Ireland will be able to sample classes with our exceptional teachers, who will help you make the right start to your school year.

Click the enrol button button above to book your free place in the subject(s) of your choice. 


Please find the different subjects on offer and the timetable of this FREE Sample Class Series.

Online Classes will take place on Thursday 29th August 2024

Onsite Classes will take place on Saturday 31st August 2024 at our Leeson Street campus

  • English (H)
  • Irish (H)
  • Maths (H)
  • Science (C)
  • Business (C)
Online Timetable

Day TimeSubject
Thursday 17:00English (H)
17:30Maths (H)


Leeson Street Timetable

Day TimeSubject
Saturday9:00English (H)
9:00Irish (H)
9:00 Business (C)
10:15Maths (H)