3rd Year Christmas Revision Course

Monday 30th December – Friday 3rd January

Make the most of your Christmas break with our 3rd Year Christmas Revision Course.

This 5-day intensive revision course provides students with the exam skills and strategies needed to achieve their academic potential. Taught by our expert teachers, students will develop the subject knowledge and key skills needed to succeed in their exams.

Students can choose to study onsite at our Leeson Street campus or online through fully interactive classes.

  • Exam-Focused Notes

    Delivered FREE Nationwide for online classes

  • Expert Teachers

    Answers to all your questions

  • Examiner Insights

    Get the strategies to SUCCEED

  • FREE Class Recordings

    Rewatch until the end of the State Exams 2024

Our 3rd Year Christmas Revision Course students receive:

  • Expert tuition from experienced educators
  • Option to study ONSITE and/or ONLINE
  • Live class recordings to rewatch for FREE any time throughout the school year until the end of the State Exams 2025
  • The Institute’s renowned exam-focused class notes
  • Exam strategies – answer techniques, marking schemes and time management


To learn more about what will be covered on the 3rd Year Christmas Revision Course, please select from the subject list below:


Business Studies (Common)

This course is designed to revise key elements of the Junior Certificate Business Studies syllabus.

Topics include:

  • Economic Growth and Sustainability
  • Government Revenue and Expenditure
  • International Trade
  • The Role of Taxation
  • Income Statements & Statement of Financial Position
  • Review of Past Exam Papers


English (Higher)

This course is designed to introduce students to the requirements of the Junior Cycle English exam.

What is Junior Cycle English?

  • How to present your answer.
  • Assessments.
  • Christmas short story and thoughts.
  • Exploring pictures and title.
  • How to approach a poem.
  • Literary devices.
  • Types of writing.
  • Studied questions.

Overall, a focus on key areas to improve your comprehension skills and the presentation of answers. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions, inputs and extra work.


French (Common)

This course is structured to ensure students achieve the best results possible in their Junior Cycle French exam. It is designed to link with the Easter Revision Course in order to provide students with the most comprehensive route to success.

Topics include:

Listening and Reading Comprehensions

  • Techniques and strategies, including the core vocabulary necessary for success.

Written Production

  • Vocabulary and sample answers designed to help you come to terms with the demands of this section of the examination.


  • Three core tenses (Present, Near Future and Past), Possessive Adjectives, Questions and Negative Forms.


Geography (Common)

This course is structured to ensure students achieve the best results possible in their Junior Cycle Geography exam.

Topics include:

Exploring the Physical World

  • The Structure of the Earth
  • Plate Tectonics
  • Volcanoes
  • Earthquakes
  • Fold Mountains
  • The Formation of Rocks
  • River Processes and Landforms
  • Coastal Processes and Landforms

Exploring How We Interact with the Physical World

  • Positive and Negative Impacts of Volcanoes
  • The Impact of Earthquakes on Humans
  • The Consequences of the Exploitation of Rocks
  • Causes and Implications of Climate Change
  • Human Response to a Natural Disaster


Irish (Higher)

When do I add a séimhiú to a verb? When do I use ní instead of níor? What are the most important literature topics at Junior Cycle level? This course will answer these questions and cover core areas of Irish grammar, composition, and the literature course. The past and present tenses will be covered, and students will gain the skills needed for article and presentation writing. Students will also be introduced to poetry and gain skills that will aid them in all areas of the literature course.

Topics include:

  • Course structure and exam layout
  • The past tense
  • The present tense
  • Indirect speech
  • Article and presentation writing
  • Poetry


History (Common)

This course focuses on key aspects of Junior Cycle History, preparing students for success in the exam in June.

Topics include:

Exam Skills / Strand One: The Nature of History

  • Working with documents and sources in exam and dealing with evidence-based questions.
  • Writing accounts and short essays: using relevant points, sticking to the question, and focusing on key parts of Learning Outcomes in preparing for exam.
  • Sources and where to find them.

Strand Two: The History of Ireland

  • Plantation.
  • The Parliamentary Tradition and the Home Rule Crisis.
  • 1916 + War of Independence.
  • Ireland’s relationship with Europe.

Strand Three: The History of Europe and the Wider World

  • Ancient Civilisation (Rome).
  • The Middle Ages.
  • The Renaissance.
  • The Age of Conquest and Exploration.
  • Pattern of Change: Changes in Medicine.


Maths (Higher)

This class provides an opportunity for students to consolidate prior learning and maximise their potential for exam success. Due to syllabus length, Maths is divided into Section A & Section B. Each section is treated as a separate subject when calculating fees.

Section 1 – Topics include:

  • Algebra
    • Solving Linear Equations
    • Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations
    • Factorising: HCF, Grouping, Difference of 2 Squares and Quadratic Trinomials
    • Solving Quadratic Equations (using factors and using -b formula)
  • Functions
    • Defining and identifying a function
    • Functions unified with algebra
    • Graphing functions and using graph
  • Applied Arithmetic
  • Exam Question Practice

Section 2 – Topics include:

  • Co-ordinate Geometry of The Line
    • Points and the Cartesian plane
    • Distance formula
    • Midpoint formula
    • Slopes of lines – multiple methods
    • Equation of a line – multiple methods
    • Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
    • Area of a triangle
  • Trigonometry
    • Labeling a right-angled triangle
    • Finding values for trig ratios SinA, CosA and TanA
    • Using our ratios to find sides and angles in a right triangle
    • Pythagoras Theorem
  • Area and Volume
  • Exam Question Practice


Science (Common)

This course is structured to ensure students achieve the best results possible in their Junior Cycle Common Level Science exam. Due to syllabus length, Science is divided into Section A & Section B. Each section is treated as a separate subject when calculating fees.

Section A – Topics include:

  • Acids and Bases
  • Atom and Bonding
  • Gas Production and Rates of Reactions
  • Photosynthesis and Respiration
  • Patterns, relationships and data plotting

Section B – Topics include:

  • Energy and energy conversion
  • Electrical energy, power and circuits
  • Density
  • Speed/velocity/acceleration
  • Ecology
  • Carbon and Water Cycles


Spanish (Common)

This course is structured to ensure students achieve the best results possible in their Junior Cycle Spanish exam. It is designed to link with the Easter Revision Course in order to provide students with the most comprehensive route to success.

Topics include:


  • Present tense, Future tenses and Simple past tense, along with a list of common verbs


  • Holidays, Free time and my area. Section C Q16 – Grammar in writing.


  • Numbers and food

Reading and listening:

  • A combination of the writing/vocabulary above

Students can choose to attend classes either onsite at our Lesson Street campus in Dublin City Centre or live online. Please see the timetable below for details.

Leeson Street

9:00amBusiness Studies (Common)
9:00amEnglish (Higher)
9:00amGeography (Common)
9:00am Maths (Higher) Section A
9:00amScience (Common) Section A
10:15amEnglish (Higher)
10:15am History (Higher)
10:15amIrish (Higher)
10:15am Maths (Higher) Section B
10:15amScience (Common) Section B
11:30amEnglish (Higher)
11:30amFrench (Common)
11:30amIrish (Higher)
11:30am Maths (Higher) Section A
13:15pmFrench (Common)
13:15pm Science (Common) Section B
13:15pmMaths (Higher) Section B
13:15pmSpanish (Common)



9:00am Maths (Higher) Section A
10:15amBusiness Studies (Common)
10:15amFrench (Common)
10:15amGeography (Common)
10:15amMaths (Higher) Section B
11:30amHistory (Higher)
11:30amScience (Common) Section A
11:30amSpanish (Common)
13:15pm English (Higher)
13:15pmIrish (Higher)
14:30pmEnglish (Higher)
14:30pmIrish (Higher)
14:30pmScience (Common) Section B
14:30pmMaths (Higher) Section B

SubjectFeeCost Per Additional Subject
1 Subject€235
2 Subjects€235Free
3 Subjects€345€110
4 Subjects€455€110
5 Subjects€565€110

Please note:

  • 10% reduction for the second and subsequent members of the same family, attending the same courses. Please contact our office to avail of this discount.
  • Fees are non-transferable.

Onsite Leeson Street Classes

Q: What subjects are available in Leeson Street?

A: Please click here to view the list of subjects on offer at Leeson Street.


Q: If I enrol in a class in Leeson Street, can I also avail of classes online?

A: Yes, you can enrol in a combination of online and onsite classes.


Q: Are my onsite classes recorded?

A:  Yes, All classes, whether online or onsite, are recorded and available to students to watch back online for revision. All students will be sent login details for our student platform; Moodle, where they can watch back any of their classes. Class recordings are available until the end of the State Exams 2024.


Q: Are the class notes available online?

A: Yes. A soft copy is available on the Moodle Course page for each class booked. In addition, if you are attending a class onsite, class notes will be provided to you in the classroom. If you are attending an online class, class notes will be posted directly to you. Please ensure you include your Eircode when registering to ensure notes are posted to the correct location.



Q: How long is each class?

A: Each class lasts 1 hour each day.


Q: How much is the fee per subject?

A: This depends on the number of subjects taken. Please refer to the fees table to see a list of fees.


Q: Are the classes conducted ‘lecture style’ or are students free to ask questions?

A: Our classes are run in more lecture style than most students might be used to in school. However they are also interactive and our teachers use a variety of methods to ensure that students can ask questions and contribute to the class.

Online Christmas Revision Course

Q: What subjects are available Online?

A: Please click here to view the list of subjects on offer online.


Q: How do I access my online grinds classes?

A: Students enrolled on the course will receive an email from us containing their unique login details and links to access their chosen subjects. Login credentials will be sent in advance of course start date. Only those details sent to you will enable you to successfully access classes online.


Q: How are the online grinds hosted?

A: All online classes are hosted live on Microsoft Teams. The links to the classes are accessed via Moodle. Students must sign into both Moodle and MS Teams with the @instituteofeducation.ie login credentials sent to the student.


Q: Are the online classes pre-recorded?

A: No, each online class is taught live as per the timetable. Recordings of classes will be available after each live class is completed. These can then be replayed as a revision aid.


Q: Will I have access to recordings of the classes?

A: Yes, recordings of classes will be available after each live class is completed. These can then be replayed as a revision aid. These will be available up until the end of the State Exams 2024.


Q: What do I need access the classes?

A: We would advise that all students enrolling in our online classes have the following:

• Access to a reliable wifi service.
• Access to a PC, Laptop, Tablet, or similar device.
• We would not recommend using a mobile phone.
• Headphones/earphones.


Q: If I'm attending the online classes will I have access to the notes?

A: Yes, students enrolled in online classes will receive a delivery of notes for each chosen subject. Please allow five working days for delivery from the time of booking.


Q: Are the class notes available online?

A: Yes. A soft copy is available on the Moodle Course page for each class booked. In addition, if you are attending a class onsite, class notes will be provided to you in the classroom. If you are attending an online class, class notes will be posted directly to you. Please ensure you include your Eircode when registering to ensure notes are posted to the correct location.



Q: What style are the classes conducted in? Can students ask questions?

A: Our on-line classes are interactive, and teachers will use a variety of methods to ensure that students can learn and understand and feel comfortable asking questions verbally and using chat function and contributing to the class.