5th Year Weekly Grinds

Now Enrolling

Our 5th Year Weekly Grinds are designed to help students achieve success in the Leaving Certificate exams.

Throughout the 29 weeks, our expert teachers help to develop the subject knowledge and key examination skills students need to reach their full academic potential.


Students can choose to study through fully interactive online and/or onsite classes, at our three Dublin locations; Leeson Street, Killester and Westmanstown. 

All students attending online classes will receive their exam-focused course notes in the post. Those attending onsite classes will receive their notes in the classroom.

  • Exam-Focused Notes

    Delivered FREE nationwide for online classes

  • Expert Teachers

    Answers to all your questions

  • Examiner Insights

    Get the strategies to SUCCEED

  • FREE Class Recordings

    Rewatch until the end of the State Exams 2025

To learn more about what will be covered in each course, please select from the subject list below:


Accounting (H)

Course Outline

The 5th year accounting course has two main objectives. Firstly, to introduce the basic accounting skills and concepts to students as they begin their study of Leaving Certificate accounting. This will serve as an aid for those who have not studied bookkeeping as part of the Junior Cycle Business Studies course and as a refresher for those who have.

The second objective of the course will be to guide students through approximately 75% of the topics on the accounting syllabus. Focus will be placed on continuous practice of exam standard questions with particular emphasis on the marking scheme and how students can maximise their grades in the exam.

All students will receive a comprehensive set of notes including fully worked solutions to the most recent leaving certificate questions. Students will also receive a comprehensive set of notes covering the theory section of the course, which is essential if students hope to achieve a H1 grade in the exam.

Topics to be covered will include:

  • Introduction to Accounting
  • Introduction to Tabular Statements
  • Depreciation of Fixed Assets
  • Club Accounts
  • Service Firm Accounts
  • Farm Accounts
  • CVP Analysis
  • Product and Absorption Costing
  • Final Accounts with adjustments of a sole trader and limited company
  • Ratio Calculation
  • Cash Budgeting
  • Production Budgeting
  • Flexible Budgeting
  • Incomplete Records


Applied Maths (H)

The Applied Math’s syllabus covers a variety of topics, designed to solve problems arising in Physics, Computer Science, Business and Finance. This course explores each topic in turn by first explaining the ideas behind, and motivation for the topic at hand, as well as applications to further study and professions. More concrete problems are then tackled, and once a level of proficiency and understanding is achieved focus is shifted to exam papers. Applied Maths assumes knowledge of the Leaving Certificate Maths syllabus, and so special care is taken to introduce topics only after 5th Year students are likely to have covered the necessary material in their own Maths classes.

Topics will be taught from the following list:

  • Networks and Graphs
  • Algorithms and Graphs
  • Project Scheduling
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Units and Vectors
  • Linear Motion
  • Projectiles
  • Newton’s Laws and Connected Particles
  • Work, Energy and Power
  • Collisions
  • Circular Motion

Comprehensive notes will be given to students in advance of classes. They are designed not only to be followed during the first contact with a topic, but also to be an adequate revision tool after the fact. Multiple worked examples are provided, as well as questions to be worked through during class time, and optional homework to be completed after each class.


Biology (H)

This course is designed for students studying Higher Level Biology. Classes are exam-centered and particular attention is paid to past papers. The course is delivered by an experienced examiner of Leaving Cert Higher Level Biology who places strong emphasis on exam technique/keywords and the marking scheme. Worksheets are also given to help students gain an understanding of experiments associated with the Higher Level Biology course.

Topics from:

  • The characteristics of life & the scientific method.
  • Food (biomolecules).
  • Cell structure.
  • Cell diversity.
  • Enzymes i.
  • Enzymes ii.
  • Exam question focus.
  • Movement through membranes.
  • Cell continuity(mitosis).
  • Respiration i.
  • Diversity of living things.
  • Monera (bacteria).
  • Exam question focus.
  • Fungi.
  • Protoctista (amoeba).
  • Structure of flowering plants.
  • Transport in flowering plants.
  • Human circulatory system.
  • Human lymphatic system & defence.
  • Human nutrition.
  • Homeostasis.
  • Human breathing system.
  • Human excretion system.
  • The endocrine system.
  • The nervous system.
  • Ecology i.
  • Ecology ii.
  • Exam question focus.


Chemistry (H)

The aim of this course is to allow students to gain a thorough understanding of topics on the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Chemistry course.

Topics from:

  • Mole concept / Isotopes / Stoichiometry.
  • Periodic Table / Arrangement of electrons in atoms / Trends in the Periodic Table .
  • Chemical Bonding / Tests for Anions / Recrystallisation /Melting Point Determination .
  • Intermolecular forces / Shapes of Covalent Molecules.
  • Oxidation & Reduction / Oxidation numbers / Balancing Redox Equations / Halogens as Oxidising Agents.
  • Intro to Volumetric Analysis / Preparation of Standard Solutions  / Acid Base Titrations.
  • Properties of Gases / Ideal Gas Equation / Measurement of Relative Molecular Mass of Volatile Liquid.
  • Volumetric Analysis (Part 2) / Redox Titrations / Potassium Permanganate and Iron (11) Ions / Sodium Thiosulphate & Iodine.
  • Hydrocarbons / Oil refining & oil products / Thermochemistry / Hydrogen.
  • Alkanes / Alkenes & Alkynes / Mechanisms of Substitution & Addition Reactions / Benzene.

Please bring periodic table and calculator


Classical Studies (H)

The Four Strands of Study:

Strand 1. The World of Heroes: Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid.

Strand 2. Drama & Spectacle: Greek theatre, Euripides’ Medea, the Roman Games, the Circus Maximus and the Colosseum.

Strand 3. Power & Identity: Alexander the Great.

Strand 4. Gods & Humans: Greek and Roman funerary practices, Greek and Roman temples and religious festivals, philosophy in Plato’s Crito and Horace’s Odes and Epodes.

Assessment: A research essay on an aspect of the ancient world must be completed by January of 6th year. This essay is worth 20% of the final assessment. The remaining 80% comes down to a single two and a half hour exam paper.

These are the books required for both 5th & 6th years:

  1. G. Lloyd, Alexander the Great: Selections from Arrian, Cambridge University Press.
  2. Homer, The Odyssey, Penguin Classics (Must be translated by E.V. Rieu)
  3. Virgil: Selections from the Aeneid, Cambridge University Press, translated by Graham Tingay.


Economics (H)

Our 5th Year Economics grinds help students to develop the knowledge and critically, the flexibility, needed to be successful at Higher Level by assisting them in developing a deep understanding of all aspects of the Economics course. Having a broad knowledge across the entire course is an absolute pre-requisite for success and our exam focussed classes assist students to develop that breadth of knowledge. Students will learn how to apply that knowledge to exam style questions and will become familiar with the attention to detail consistent with H1 standards. Furthermore, students are encouraged to understand and evaluate real world economic events as this is another essential component for success in both the written examination and the research project.

Topics from:

Strand 1: What Is Economics About?

1.1 Economics as a way of thinking

1.2 The economic concepts of scarcity and choice

1.3 Economic, social and environmental sustainability

Strand 2: How Are Economic Decisions Made?

2.1 The market economy

2.2 The consumer

2.3 The firm

2.4 Government intervention in the market

Strand 3: What Can Marketers Do?

3.1 Market structures

3.2 The labour market

3.3 Market failure

Strand 4: What Is The Relationship Between Policy and Economic Performance?

4.1 National income

4.2 Fiscal policy and the budget framework

4.3 Employment and unemployment

4.4 Monetary policy and the price level

4.5 Financial sector


English (H)

This class is designed to empower 5th year students so that they will be confident and successful in their approach to Leaving Cert. English. The classes will cover course content and relevant answering techniques on Papers 1 and 2 in order that students maximise their potential in the subject.

Topics Covered:

Paper 1

  • Explanation of the 5 prescribed language genres:
  1. The Language of Argument
  2. The Language of Persuasion
  3. The Language of Information
  4. The Language of Narration
  5. The Aesthetic use of Language.
  • Comprehensive analysis of past examination tasks, with focus on how to approach the Reading Comprehension Part A and Part B tasks.
  • Guidelines on the types of questions / tasks set and sample answers provided with a breakdown of the marking scheme.

The Composition task is worth 25% of the final grade. Guidelines and examples will be provided on how to write an effective:

  • Personal Essay
  • Discursive Essay-Speeches/Newspaper Articles etc.
  • Short Story
  • Descriptive Essay.

Paper 2

Single Text – The single text being taught in these classes is William Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

NB Significant class time will be given to the exploration of the single text.

The focus will be on developing a clear and substantial understanding of the plot, characters and important themes of the play, as well as beginning the work of identifying and learning important quotation.

Comparative Studies

Class will offer guidelines on an approach to:

  • Using comparative language effectively
  • Constructing effective Comparative essays-past exam question analysis
  • The three prescribed modes of comparison:
  1. Literary Genre
  2. The Cultural Context
  3. The General Vision and Viewpoint.

Specific notes will be provided on a selection of prescribed comparative texts.


Analysis of:

  • Unseen Poetry tasks, including guidelines and sample responses to past questions
  • 4 of the 8 prescribed poets will be taught in class
  • Approaching the Prescribed Poetry Question-how to structure your answer plus sample answers to past questionsNotes will be provided on all eight of the prescribed poets:
  • Elizabeth Bishop
  • John Donne
  • T.S. Eliot
  • Seamus Heaney
  • Paula Meehan
  • Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin
  • Tracy K Smith
  • W. B. Yeats


French (H)

This course covers all the four competencies necessary for success in Leaving Certificate Higher Level French – Aural, Oral, Reading and Writing.

Topics from:

  • Letter writing.
  • Diary entries.
  • Abstract topics.
  • Response pieces.
  • Comprehensions (method and content).
  • Listening comprehensions.
  • Oral exam.



The focus of these classes is to improve the standard of knowledge and examination techniques for students studying Geography in Fifth Year.
Each class will examine key topics and the types of questions that can occur in exams. Students will learn how to study, understand and apply their knowledge to exam situations.

The areas for study in Fifth Year are focused on Physical Geography and Regional Geography. This will give students a strong basis for Sixth Year.

Physical Geography

  • Plate Tectonics
  • Volcanoes
  • Earthquakes
  • Folding and Faulting
  • The Rock Cycle
  • Weathering Processes
  • Karst Landscapes
  • River Processes and Landforms
  • Marine Processes and Landforms
  • Glacial Processes and Landforms
  • Mass Movement Processes
  • Human Interaction with Natural Processes
  • Isostasy

Regional Geography

  • Physical Regions
  • Climate Regions
  • Socio-Economic Regions
  • Urban Regions
  • Cultural Regions
  • Administrative Regions
  • 2 contrasting Irish Regions: 2 Case Studies
  • 2 contrasting Non-Irish European Regions: 2 case studies
  • I Sub-Continental Region
  • The European Union
  • Border Change


German (H)

This course prepares students to achieve their maximum potential in their Leaving Certificate Higher Level German exam. Classes concentrate on the four main skills tested in the exam, with ongoing homework and support provided throughout the year.

Topics from:

  • Oral exam
    Exam format.
    General questions.
    Role play.
    Picture sequence or project work.
    Option to discuss a film or novel in the oral will be covered.
  • Aural Comprehension
    Practice using CDs and authentic listening material.
    Skills required for the exam.
  • Reading Comprehension
    Intro to both journalistic and literary styles of texts.
    Answering skills & techniques for the written exam
  • Writing
    Letter writing.
    Short essay.
    Opinion of issue practice.
  • Grammar
    Techniques needed for the examination.
    Formal grammar section covered in detail.


History (H)

This course is designed to help students prioritise their work that needs to be done in preparation for their Leaving Certificate Higher Level History exam. This course is suitable for students who are undertaking History in their school. The course structure, teaching and notes are also applicable for students who wish to study History as an extra subject outside their regular timetable.

Many of the online class sessions will also feature short video clips to add to the learning experience, encourage student engagement and invite questions and discussion.

In the Fifth-Year teaching programme, emphasis is given to three course modules.

The three Leaving Cert History modules that feature in Fifth Year are:

  1. Movements for Political and Social Reform, 1870-1914. (Compulsory documents section will feature from this module in the 2026 and 2027 state examinations).
  2. Sovereignty and Partition, 1912-1949.
  3. Dictatorship and Democracy, 1920-1945.


Irish History

Module 1: Ireland – Movements for Political and Social Reform, 1870-1914. (Compulsory Documents Case Study Section for the Leaving Certificate exams in 2026 & 2027). Emphasis will be given to the three document case studies. Other elements of the course will also feature to enable the student to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of events that influenced each of the case study topics.

Topics that feature from this compulsory module include:

  • The origins and growth of the Home Rule movement.
  • Case Study: The 1885 and 1886 Elections.
  • The emergence of cultural nationalist movements.
  • Case Study: The GAA to 1891.
  • Economy and Society in Belfast and Dublin.
  • Case Study: Dublin 1913 – Strike and Lockout.


Module 2: Sovereignty and Partition, 1912-1949.

Topics that feature from this Irish module include:

  • Unionist resistance to Home Rule, 1912-1914.
  • The 1916 Rising.
  • The rise of new Sinn Féin, 1916-1918.
  • The War of Independence.
  • Case Study: The Treaty Negotiations.
  • The contribution of Countess Markievicz, Padraig Pearse, Arthur Griffith, and Michael Collins to Irish affairs.
  • Socio-economic developments in the Irish Free State.
  • Case Study: The 1932 Eucharistic Congress.
  • Social morality in the Irish Free State.
  • Law and Order in the Irish Free State.
  • Steps to assert Irish sovereignty, 1922-1949.
  • Anglo-Irish relations, 1922-1949.
  • The path to partition, 1912-1949.
  • The role of education, the Irish language and religion in the Irish Free State.
  • The contribution of Cosgrave and de Valera to Irish affairs.
  • Case Study: The Belfast bombings, 1941 and a comparative analysis with the war experience in Dublin.


European History

Module 3: Dictatorship and Democracy, 1920-1945.

Topics that will feature form this European History course module will include:

  • Mussolini’s Italy.
  • The Weimar Republic.
  • The Rise of Hitler, his totalitarian regime, and life in Nazi Germany.
  • Nazi Propaganda.
  • Case Study: The Nuremberg Rallies.
  • The characteristics of fascism.
  • Fascism and the Church.
  • Britain between the Wars.
  • Case Study: The Jarrow March
  • Stalin’s Russia – ‘Fear and Transformation’.
  • Case Study: Stalin’s Show Trials.
  • Propaganda in Stalin’s Russia.
  • France between the Wars.
  • Víchy France.
  • Anglo American Culture and developments in cinema, 1920-1945.

Key personalities, core course content and material outside the syllabus will be analysed to give the student extra insight and understanding of these modules to aim for the higher grades in the state exams.

Throughout the year, students will gain access to data, content and personalities that often do not feature in mainstream textbooks. The students will have a stronger grasp of each course topic and a greater range of content with which to answer any exam question.

Students will also be introduced to the several core-course themes that run through each of the modules. These themes influence the frame-working of exam questions. Knowledge of these themes and how they feature throughout the various course topics will help students achieve a deeper understanding of the subject and ensure they are better prepared for the state examination.

Information and tips regarding managing content, effective writing and essay structure will be referred to throughout the year.

Students will be instructed how to address and effectively answer the compulsory documents section of the exam paper.

Should time permit during Term 2, topics from the module, The United States and the World, 1945-1989 will also be taught and notes will be provided.


Irish (H)

This course aims to maximise the student’s ability to achieve the highest possible grade in the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Irish exam.

Topics from:

  • Poetry and Prose
    Detailed notes and sample answers to past papers provided (including the optional literature).
    Focus on vocabulary and key phrases.
  • Oral Exam
    Practice of oral skills in class.
    Sample answers to common questions.
    Picture sequences 1-20 covered in class.
  • Aural Exam
    Practice of past papers in class.
    Focus on skills for the exam.
    Focus on terms, questions and various dialects presented in the exam.
  • Grammar Skills
    Weekly focus on grammatical aspects of the language.
    Development of vocabulary.
    Focus on comprehension past papers.
  • Exam Skills and Techniques
    How to negotiate the exam.
    Tips for success.


Maths (H)

This course covers the essential methods, formulae and procedures required for success in the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Maths Papers 1 & 2.  Students are shown how to approach exam questions and homework properly. Guidance is given on resource material they will need to enhance their studies. Comprehensive notes are presented and fully worked solutions, with a huge number of examples, are provided.

Topics from:

  • Algebra.
  • Complex Numbers.
  • Limits and an introduction to Calculus.
  • Financial Mathematics.
  • Sequences and Series.
  • Differentiation.
  • Anti- Differentiation.
  • Functions.
  • Trigonometry.
  • Co-ordinate Geometry of The Line and Circle.

Please bring log tables and calculator


Physics (H)

This course gives an intensive overview of selected topics from the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Physics syllabus. Strong emphasis is placed on the exam and past papers and students are given a solid foundation for progression in to 6th year. Classes are taught in a friendly, relaxed and structured manner that is conducive to understanding the principles of physics.

Topics from:

  • Mechanics 1
    Linear motion.
    Newton’s laws.
  • Mechanics 2
    Circular motion.
    Planetary motion.
  • Sound and Waves
    Doppler Effect.
    Standing waves.
    Sound intensity.
  • Light
  • Electricity 1
  • Exam Focus
    How to study physics.
    How to prepare for the exam.
    How to correctly read exam questions.
    How to “answer what is asked”

Please bring log tables, past papers and calculator


Spanish (H)

This course prepares students for success in the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Spanish exam. Initial emphasis is placed on developing grammar skills. Once this important foundation has been established, students then practice with past papers and learn strategies to maximize their marks in the Oral, Aural, Reading and Written sections.

Topics from:

  • General overview of the exam paper.
  • Key grammar points
    – Verbs: present, future, conditional, 3 past tenses, subjunctive, imperative and gerund
    – Some special verbs: gustar, ser and estar
    – Pronouns
  • Reading Comprehension
    – Exam techniques and vocabulary from past papers.
  • Writing
    – Opinion piece (Structure, topics, vocabulary, idiomatic expressions…)
    – Writing techniques for Diary entries and Notes.
    – Sentence building. Work on common errors.
  • Listening comprehension
    – Vocabulary from past papers
    -Vocabulary for the weather report
  • Oral
    – Understanding the oral exam.
    – Interview. Expanding on common topics.
    – Sample answers.
    – Role-plays

Below are the timetables for each of our weekly grinds locations for the Academic Year 2024/25.

NOTE: All classes are 75 minutes in duration.

*Students may join at any stage throughout the year, subject to availability.

Weekly schedule

WeekWeek CommencingNote
12nd Sept 2024First Week
29th Sept 2024
316th Sept 2024
423rd Sept 2024
530th Sept 2024
67th Oct 2024
714th Oct 2024
821st Oct 2024
No Classes30th Oct 2024Mid-Term
94th Nov 2024
1011th Nov 2024
1118th Nov 2024
1225th Nov 2024
132nd Dec 2024
149th Dec 2024
No Classes16th Dec 2024Christmas
No Classes23rd Dec 2024Christmas
No Classes30th Dec 2024Christmas
156th Jan 2025
1613th Jan 2025
1720th Jan 2025
1827th Jan 2025
193rd Feb 2025St. Brigid's Bank Holiday, Classes as normal this week, including Bank Holiday Monday 3rd February 2025
2010th Feb 2025
No Classes17th Feb 2025February Mid Term
2124th Feb 2025
223rd March 2025
2310th March 2025
No Classes17th March 2025St Patrick's Week
2424th March 2025
2531st March 2025
267th April 2025
No Classes14th April 2025Easter Break
No Classes21st April 2025Easter Break
2728th April 2025
285th May 2025**May Bank Holiday. No classes Mon 5th May. Classes as normal Tuesday 6th to Saturday 10th May.
2912th May 2025

*Classes will be taught on Bank Holiday Monday 3rd Feb ’25.
**Classes will not be taught on Bank Monday 5th May’25. These classes will be taught on Monday 19th May’25.


Online Timetable

Monday17:30Applied Maths (Higher)
17:30Classical Studies (Higher)
17:30English (Higher)
17:30Maths (Higher)
17:30Physics (Higher)
17:30Irish (Higher)
19:00Biology (Higher)
19:00Maths (Higher)
19:00German (Higher)
Tuesday17:30Biology (Higher)
17:30French (Higher)
17:30Physics (Higher)
17:30Spanish (Higher)
17:30Chemistry (Higher)
19:00Maths (Higher)
Wednesday17:30Geography (Higher)
17:30Biology (Higher)
17:30Irish (Higher)
19:00Chemistry (Higher)
19:00Economics (Higher)
19:00Maths (Higher)
Thursday17:30English (Higher)
17:30French (Higher)
17:30Irish (Higher)
17:30Maths (Higher)
19:00Applied Mathematics (Higher)
19:00 English (Higher)
Friday19:00English (Higher)
Saturday10:30Biology (Higher)
10:30Maths (Higher)


Leeson Street Timetable

Saturday9:00Applied Mathematics (Higher)
9:00English (Higher)
9:00Maths (Higher)
Saturday10:30Accounting (Higher)
10:30English (Higher)
10:30French (Higher)
10:30German (Higher)
10:30Maths (Higher)
10:30Spanish (Higher)
Saturday12:00Biology (Higher)
12:00Chemistry (Higher)
12:00History (Higher)
12:00Irish (Higher)
12:00Physics (Higher)


Killester Timetable

Tuesday17:30Irish (Higher)


Westmanstown Timetable

Monday19:00Maths (Higher)

Number of SubjectsPay in Full
1 Subject€810
2 Subjects€1,390
3 Subjects€1,770
4 Subjects€2,145
5 Subjects€2,525
6 Subjects€2,900
7 Subjects€3,280
Each Subsequent Subject€380

Onsite and online fees are the same.

All students joining our weekly classes will receive access to recordings of all the classes for which they have enrolled.  In addition, they will have access to recordings of the classes that have already taken place since the start of the course. This is an invaluable aid when it comes to revision. Class recordings are available to the end of State Exams 2025.

Please note:

  • Card payments accepted.
  • 10% reduction for the second and subsequent members of the same family, attending the same courses. Please contact our office to avail of this discount.
  • Fees are non-transferable.

Onsite Classes 


Q: What subjects are available in Leeson Street/Killester/Westmanstown?

A: Please click here to view the timetable of subjects on offer at Leeson Street/Killester/Westmanstown.


Q: If I enrol in a class in Leeson Street, can I also avail of classes online or in Killester/Westmanstown?

A: Yes, you can enrol in a combination of online and onsite classes. However, a student can only attend the classes they are enrolled in.


Q: Are my onsite classes recorded?

A:  Yes, All classes, whether online or onsite, are recorded and available to students to watch back online for revision. All students will be sent login details for our student platform; Moodle, where they can watch back any of their classes.


Q: Are the class notes available online?

A: Yes. A soft copy is available on the Moodle Course page for each class booked. In addition, if you are attending a class onsite, class notes will be provided to you in the classroom. If you are attending an online class, class notes will be posted directly to you. Please ensure you include your Eircode when registering to ensure notes are posted to the correct location.


Q: If I am doing weekly grinds, can I change my choice of subject or class-time during the year?

A: Yes.  We will allow class changes up to Easter, subject to available places. Please contact our office to arrange changes on 01 661 3511.


Q: How long is each weekly grinds class?

A: Each class lasts 75 minutes.


Q: How much is the fee per subject?

A: This depends on the number of subjects taken. Please refer to the fees table to see a list of fees.


Q: Can I cancel my classes and get a refund?

A: Yes.  A refund (or partial refund) can be given. An Admin fee of €115 applies. A request for a refund can be made by contacting our office on 01 6613511 or helpd@instituteofeducation.ie


Q: How many weeks of tuition are there in the weekly grinds course?

A: There are 29 weeks (29 classes) of tuition between September and May. Students will have one class per subject booked per week.


Q: If I start weekly grinds later in the year, will this be reflected in the fees I pay?

A: Yes, fees are reduced throughout the year. The website will always show the most up-to-date pricing.


Q: Is attendance at weekly grinds and part-time courses monitored?

A: Yes, students are required to sign a roll sheet at each class they attend. The Institute however accepts no responsibility for students who fail to attend class.


Q: Are there any breaks or holidays during the year for students attending weekly grinds or part-time courses?

A: Yes, the classes schedule generally follows the normal school calendar with breaks at mid-terms, Christmas & Easter.  Please refer to the timetable for more details


Q: Can part-time students take up an extra subject or a subject that is not available to them in their own school?

A: Yes, with consideration being given to the suitability of the subject. It is advisable that a student only takes on a new subject at the start of the academic year and notify their teacher. Our 6th year program covers each subject in full. Please note that our classes cover the theory of the curriculum and do not carry out any practicals.


Q: What subjects would you recommend to take on as an extra subject?

A: The most popular subjects would be: Accounting, Agricultural Science, Applied Maths, Business, Classical Studies, Economics,  and Politics and Society.


Q: Are the classes conducted ‘lecture style’ or are students free to ask questions?

A: Our classes are run in more lecture style than most students might be used to in school. However they are also interactive and our teachers use a variety of methods to ensure that students can ask questions and contribute to the class.


Q: For weekly grinds, does the beginning of a new term mean the start of a new course?

A: No, in the weekly classes each subject commences in September and runs through to the end of the academic year in May. Students can catch up on what they have missed by reviewing the previous class recordings and notes.


Q: If I want to join weekly grinds during the year, can you tell me what remains to be covered on the course and what the student has missed?

A: Teachers have their own individual teaching plan for the year, and should be able to advise on this.


Q: My son/daughter cannot attended the course. Can we buy the notes?

A: No. Teaching is a central part of all our courses. The notes are to facilitate recall and revision of the day’s work covered by the teacher.

Weekly Grinds Locations

Our Weekly Grinds courses are available in multiple locations across Dublin and also as Online Classes. For more information please select a location below.

The Institute of Education
79 – 85 Lower Leeson Street
Dublin 2
D02 PX56

Leeson Street Location

St. Mary’s Holy Faith School
Brookwood Meadow,
Dublin 5,
D05 K588

Killester Location

Westmanstown Sports & Conference Centre
Dublin 15,
D15 Y2DH

Westmanstown Location

Can’t make it to our onsite locations?

Join our Online Weekly Grinds classes. Get the additional support you need with our fully interactive LIVE classes.

Please note:

Login details for online classes will be issued to students by email before the start of the course.