Oliver Murphy has been a teacher of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics for over 40 years. He is the author of Fundamental Applied Maths, the best-selling Applied Maths book in Ireland. He published the third edition of this book in 2021, which covers the new modern Applied Maths course which was introduced that year. He is also on the team of teachers who have written the best-selling Maths series, Active Maths. Oliver Murphy taught for 33 years in Belvedere College and the Institute of Education, making his mark as a dedicated and enthusiastic teacher of Maths and Applied Maths.
In 1998, Oliver was the first winner of the Victor Graham Perpetual Trophy for achievement in Applied Mathematics, awarded by the Institute for Numerical and Computational Analysis. In 2009, he was appointed Headmaster of St Vincent’s Castleknock College. As well as being Headmaster, Oliver continued to teach the subjects he loves most: Maths and Applied Maths.
In 2005, he was appointed as the first Chairman of the newly-formed Irish Applied Maths Teachers’ Association (IAMTA). Oliver re-joined the Institute of Education as a teacher of Maths and Applied Maths in 2018. Here he continues to inspire young people to understand, master and love these wonderful subjects.