Videos & Media

Here you will find a collection of videos & media that we have created to help you get a better understanding and feel for our school, our wonderful teachers, and the opportunities for all students that attend our school.
We hope that you find these videos informative and helpful, but if you have any further queries you can contact our team directly at and we will be more than happy to address any query you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find a list of frequently asked questions at our open evenings. They are split into 4th & 5th/6th Year sections.

4th Year FAQs

We currently have no plans to extend our school to include full-time school for 2nd or 3rd year. We will be continuing to provide part-time weekly classes for all Junior Cycle years, as well as revision courses or camps during school holidays. Please click here to see our website for more details on those options.

Mobile phones are not permitted for use during class or supervised study. Students are permitted to use iPads/laptops to take notes in class and in supervised study once they have permission from the principal.

Yes, all students are expected to be dressed appropriately for school. This entails being dressed neatly. Interpretations of the norms will rest with school management.

We have a number of resource teachers in the school who work with students with any additional needs such as Dyslexia. They will work with the student throughout the school year to provide a personalised support programme.

It would be best to discuss subject choice with Mary Dorgan, the Head of Admissions, during your interview if you are unsure. We would recommend choosing a language that the student may have done for the Junior Certificate or the equivalent.

In the academic year 2019-2020, we had approx. 80 4th year students.

Yes, all prospective students for the Institute of Education must have an interview prior to being accepted into the school.

If your child is due to start 5th year in secondary school this September, they should also start 5th year in the Institute of Education this September.

It is not possible to partake in any of the full-time classes for 5th year, unless the student is a full-time 5th year student at the Institute of Education. However, we do offer weekly grinds and courses during midterms for 5th year students from other schools to attend.

We would recommend doing Transition Year as a general rule, as there are many benefits to be gained from doing it and even in this current situation, it is another year to grow and mature and prepare for your Leaving Certificate. That being said, it is a decision that you and your parents are best situated to make and one you can discuss with Mary Dorgan during your interview as well.

In that case, classes will be conducted live online following the same timetable as you would be following in school anyway. We have been doing this for the past few months and they have run very smoothly. This would not affect the in-school activities of the TY programme, though there will of course be differences in how any activities such as volunteering and school trips are run.

This is entirely dependent on the company/business that a student is hoping to do work experience in, but the Institute of Education will support the students individually in order to make the best of the situation for each student.

Students who complete TY in the Institute have the opportunity to academically advantage themselves as they will be taught by some of the best teachers in the country for the duration of the year. They also have an opportunity to sit the IGCSEs, an internationally recognised qualification. You can read more about this on our website, click here.

It is important to follow the advice of the HSE when it comes to personal health and safety regarding the Coronavirus and we will be strongly encouraging our students to adhere to the most recent set of guidelines released by the HSE at the time. Transport by train is most likely the best option for convenience but this is entirely dependent on the advice of the HSE at that time. Our school is located a 15 minute walk from Pearse Street Train Station.

The Institute of Education is adhering strictly to the guidelines and advice issued by the HSE in regards to reopening the school building. You can be assured that we are and will be continuing to implement policies in our school that comply with the advice issued by the HSE. What this will look like in September is unknown to us now but we will be following the advice of the HSE as it develops.

5th & 6th Year FAQs

Yes, the Institute is a Leaving Certificate exam centre. But students do not have to sit the Leaving Cert here in the school, they can choose to sit the Leaving Cert in a centre that may be more convenient.

Yes, that is the average class size.

We’re afraid Mandarin will not be offered on our Timetable next year.

Students can choose from 26 Subjects.

Yes, there are regular class tests, but they are not used to distribute students by class.

We do not offer Engineering as a subject but we do offer Design and Communication Graphics.

We have a staffed resource department who support our dyslexic students.

As of now, there will be no change to the fee structure but we will keep you updated should that change. The tuition is full-time and while the delivery method is different, both the quality and quantity of the teaching remains the same.

All of our teachers cover the full course in every subject in 6th year. In English, the teachers will cover at least 6 poets from the course, the Shakespeare play of the particular year, the comparative study aspect of the course and the Paper 1 essay and reading comprehensions. In Irish, the teachers will teach all of the prose and all of the poems to ensure students have the best chance possible going into the exam as they know all of the material, not just the ones tipped to come up. The teachers cover both the extra poetry and An Triail to allow students the most flexibility when faced with the exam paper.

The Institute of Educations is committed to following the guidelines issued by the HSE when it comes to reopening the school building for use. We do not yet know if it will be safe for students to attend physically in September but we will be acting in line with the advice from the HSE when the time comes. In the event that we are not in the school building physically, classes will be held online following the same timetable the student would follow in school under normal circumstances. We have been running all classes online for the past few months and they have been running very smoothly.

As the classes will be following the same format and timing as always, the amount of material covered will be the same as if the students were in the school building. This will differ per subject as some have much more material to cover than others but please rest assured that the standard of teaching will be the same despite the delivery method being different.

We are committed to following the advice and guidelines issued by the HSE regarding reopening the school building for use. We do not yet know when we will be able to return to a normal school set up but all decisions will be made in accordance with the most current guidelines from the HSE at the time. Until normal classes may resume, we will be providing classes online.

Find out more about our full-time school by clicking here.

If you would like to book an appointment with our admissions team you can request for them to call you back here.

The Institute of Excellence









The Institute of Curiosity

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