The Buzz Newsletter – Week 3

The Buzz Newsletter Week 3
Welcome to Week 3 of The Buzz Newsletter!

It’s Week 3 of The Buzz Newsletter and the school year is in full swing with a hurricane of activity – new school, new subjects, new teachers and new friends. We know it can be a tiring mix of excitement and nerves. Yet, with two full weeks complete, everyone is becoming more confident and settled. Friendships are kindled in lunchrooms and activities. Now, with so much done, we set our sights to what lies ahead. We want you to feel empowered in your subjects, secure in the knowledge of the steady progress you will make.

There is a Golf outing for students this month on the 27th September (school holiday). It is open to any student with an official Golf Ireland handicap index. The cost is €15 per student, which is subsidised by the school (includes green fee, lunch and prizes).

All 6th Years applying to any course in Oxford and Cambridge, as well as Medicine, Veterinary and Dentistry all over the UK should have their UCAS applications well under way to make the October 15th deadline. Please make sure that you have registered for admissions test if applicable, and that your UCAS account is linked to the school as soon as possible by making an appointment with a guidance counsellor.

The deadline for submissions for the 2024 BT Young Scientist Exhibition is approaching on 27th September. If you would like to submit a project then please contact Catriona Hendry to discuss your ideas.

If there is sufficient interest in Athletics, we will add it to the extracurricular timetable. Please scan the QR code on the Athletics sheet on the noticeboard outside the 1st floor office. If you don’t register your interest the class won’t be created.


This Monday 16th there is an English masterclass with Emma Grealy for 5th & 6th Years. It is live online at 6pm. The link is on your Moodle.

This Monday 16th there is a Biology masterclass with Emily Brady for 5th Years. It is live online at 7pm. The link is on your Moodle.

This Tuesday 17th there is an Economics masterclass with Rob Quinlan for 6th Years. It is live online at 7pm. The link is on your Moodle.

Upcoming Events:
  • 21st September: University of Ulster (Coleraine campus) Open Day
  • 26th September: A Day in My Wheels
  • 27th September (School Holiday): Golf Outing

Click the pictures below to read the full newsletter.

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