New Subject Option: Leaving Cert Physical Education

We are delighted to announce that from September 2021 Leaving Cert Physical Education (LCPE) will be available as a subject to students of The Institute of Education. The aim of LCPE is to develop students capacity to become informed, skilled,

A comprehensive introduction to the University of Oxford Webinar

The comprehensive introduction to the University of Oxford webinar will take place on Thursday, 25th March. This session is suitable for students with an initial interest in Oxford and will covers many aspects of what makes Oxford such a special

Hugh Brett Talks About Leaving Cert Classical Studies on RTE Radio One

Hugh Brett, our Classical Studies teacher and 4th Year Head, was invited on RTE Radio One’s Drive Time Study Hub on Thursday evening to speak about the Leaving Cert 2021 Classical Studies exam. During the Study Hub Hugh shared lots

Spotlight: Sophie Shaw – Dual Music Diplomas

Sophie Shaw

Congratulations to Sophie Shaw, TY student, who has recently been awarded two music diplomas. Sophie did this as part of the Personal Skill section of her Bronze Gaisce Award. Sophie has been awarded an ARSM (Associate of the Royal Schools