Biology (H): A Wide-Ranging Paper

LC Biology H Analysis 2023

Reaction to Leaving Cert 2023 Biology (Higher Level) by Wesley Hammond, Biology teacher at The Institute of Education. Students familiar with the past papers will be delighted. A wide-ranging paper that allows students to navigate by their strengths. A heavy

Irish Paper 2 (H): A Very Fair and Accessible Paper

LC Irish H Paper 2 Analysis 2023

Reaction to Leaving Cert 2023 Irish Paper 2 (Higher Level) by Clare Grealy, Irish teachers at The Institute of Education. A very fair and accessible paper. A very student friendly paper. Anticipated texts and questions appeared, rewarding those who had

Irish Paper 1 (H): Much Tougher Than Previous Years

LC Irish H Paper 1 Analysis 2023

Reaction to Leaving Cert 2023 Irish Paper 1 (Higher Level) by Clare Grealy and Máire Ní Cheallaigh, Irish teachers at The Institute of Education. Much tougher than previous years. A wide range of topics were available, but awkward phrasing and

Maths Paper 2 (O): A Very Fair Paper with Plenty of Opportunities

LC Maths O Paper 2 Analysis 2023

Reaction to Leaving Certificate 2023 Maths Paper 2 (Higher Level) by Jean Kelly, Maths teacher at The Institute of Education. A very fair paper with plenty of opportunities for all students to earn valuable marks, while those looking for the

Maths Paper 2 (H): A Challenging Paper with Some Text-heavy Questions

LC Maths H Paper 2 Analysis 2023

Reaction to Leaving Cert 2023 Maths Paper 2 (Higher Level) by Louise Boylan, Maths teacher at The Institute of Education. A challenging paper with some dauntingly text-heavy questions A broad set of questions which examined every topic associated with Paper

Maths Paper 1 (O): Doable With Plenty of Opportunities for Marks

LC Maths O Paper 1 Analysis 2023

Reaction to Leaving Certificate 2023 Maths Paper 1 (Ordinary Level) by Jean Kelly, Maths teacher at The Institute of Education. A fair paper but with phrasing that might concern some students. Thoroughly doable with plenty of opportunities for marks. Looks

Maths Paper 1 (H): A Challenging Paper With Some Low Hanging Fruit

LC Maths Paper 1 Analysis 2023

Reaction to Leaving Cert 2023 Maths Paper 1 (Higher Level) by Aidan Roantree, Maths teacher at The Institute of Education. A challenging paper with some low hanging fruit where students can accumulate significant marks. This paper continues a recent trend

Geography (H): A Beautiful Paper With Choices Within Choices

LC Geography Analysis 2023

Reaction to Leaving Certificate 2022 Geography (Higher Level) by Lesley Aslin & Michael Doran, Geography teachers at The Institute of Education. A beautiful paper with choices within choices. A fair paper – those who prepared will find ample opportunities to

English Paper 2 (H): An Accessible Paper That Required a Calm Head

LC English Paper 2 Analysis 2023

Reaction to Leaving Certificate English Paper 2 (Higher Level) by Clodagh Havel, English teacher at The Institute of Education An accessible paper that required a calm head to master it. Much anticipated Bishop did not appear but those that did

Home Economics (H): An Exam in Reverse

Home Ec Leaving Cert Analysis 2023

Reaction to the Leaving Certificate 2023 Home Economics paper (Higher Level) by Sandra Cleary, Home Economics teacher at The Institute of Education. The days of the standard prediction models are gone. Students who revised the full breadth of the course

Computer Science (H): A Reasonable Paper, With Some Oddly Worded Challenges

Computer Science 2023 Analysis

Reaction to Leaving Cert 2023 Computer Science (Higher Level) by Daire Ó Muirgheasa, Computer Science teacher at The Institute of Education. The Leaving Certificate exams kicked off this year with Computer Science. The paper which has only been broadly available