The Buzz Newsletter – Week 25

The Buzz Weekly Newsletter Week 25
Welcome to Week 25 of The Buzz Newsletter!

It’s Week 25 of The Buzz Newsletter! We hope all you 4th & 5th Years had a relaxing and enjoyable Mid-term break, and are ready to hit the ground running in the second half of term. Well done to all 6th Years on completing your mocks, enjoy this well-earned break! Well done also to those who completed the HPAT.

Congratulations to 5th Year student Kirill Korostelev who has made it to the national finals of AILO (Irish Linguistic Olympiad) 2025. Kirill received the highest score in the country on his preliminary round exam (99%). Best of luck to Kirill who will be competing at the national finals which take place on the 12th March in Dublin City University. The top four students will qualify to represent Ireland at the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) in Taiwan in July.

Well done to 6th Year students Lina Hassan and Minna Abbas who have made it through to the Cambridge Schools Debate Finals Day in March. They took part in an intense regional heat which was hosted in The Institute on the 2nd February. Each regional consists of 4 rounds, in which participants are judged by experience university-level debaters. After 4 rounds, the top teams from each region make it to Finals Day where they will debate against schools from around the world.

If you have an interest in joining our new Athletics Club please register your interest with Brian Gregan at the email below ( or just come along! The club will meet on the 1st floor breakout area at 3:30pm on the dates below:

  • 26th February – 2nd April & 30th April – 7th May

If you love sailing competitions then we want to hear from you! If you would like to compete in The School Match Racing Competition 202, then come to our meetup this Tuesday 25th February at 11am on the 1st floor breakout area. If you cannot make this meetup you can register your interest at

The closing date for amending course choices is Saturday 1st March 2025. Online Change of Mind facility becomes available on 6th May, which is free to use.

The closing date for final completion of online Section A HEAR/DARE application forms is on 1st March 2025.

Late Race application forms are now available. Students should contact Helen Casey to complete the forms. Helen is in room 2-6A, no appointment necessary.

Upcoming events:
  • 24th-28th February: UCD is hosting a series of half-hour talks given by SVGH consultant specialists in medicine sub-specialities such as general practice, anaesthesiology, pathology cardiology and more. They will take place from 10am-12pm each day. Students must register online for this event.

Click the pictures below to read the full newsletter.

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