The Buzz Newsletter – Week 27

The Buzz Weekly Newsletter Week 27
Welcome to Week 27 of The Buzz Newsletter!

It’s Week 27 of The Buzz Newsletter! A huge congratulations to  students Laura Nuna, Emily Bolton, Lorraine O’Connor and Sinead Farrell who followed up their Leinster title on the 12th February by coming first in the Senior Girls race at the All Ireland Senior Girls Schools Cross Country Championships. Emily Bolton took first place overall with Lorraine O’Connor in 5th, which gave the team a combined score of 40 points to secure the team gold. Well done girls and best of luck in your future athletics endeavours!

Congratulations to Liyuan Liu, Qiyu Zhang, Tianci Yan and Justin Li who came in second place in the first round of the IMTA Team Maths Competition which was held on the 27th of February in Mount Anville Secondary School. They have progressed to the National Final which will be held on Saturday March 29th in Portlaoise.

March 15th is the postal deadline for all HEAR/DARE documentation to arrive at CAO office, Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway, H91 X25V. Do keep proof of postage – certificate of postage or similar. If you have any questions please drop in to see Helen Casey in room 2-6A or email

Late RACE applications are now in prep. The closing date is 4th April. Please call into Helen Casey in room 2-6A for all enquiries.

The 4th Year football team won the TY Shield at UCD last week. 2 goals from Alessandro Castano Algaba and an incredible goal from Adam Farrugia secured a 3-1 win for the team against Coláiste Pobail Fóla. Well done team!

Upcoming Events: 
  • 12th March: Dublin Business School Online Open Evening. 5-6pm.
  • 13th March: University College Cork (UCC) CAO Information Evening for parents, guardians and prospective students from 5:30-8pm.
  • This Monday 10th, there is a Biology masterclass with Wesley Hammond. It is for 5th & 6th years and is in room 4-8 at 3:30pm.
  • This Monday 10th, there is an English masterclass with Emma Grealy. It is for 5th & 6th years and is lie online at 6pm. The link is on your Moodle.
  • This Wednesday 12th, there is Chemistry masterclass with Ali Fox. It is for 5th & 6th years and is live online at 4:30pm. The link is on your Moodle.
  • This Thursday 13th, there is an Irish masterclass with Luke Rock. It is for 5th & 6th years and is live online at 6pm. The link is on your Moodle.
  • This Thursday 13th, there is an Economics masterclass with Rob Quinlan. It is for 6th years and is live online at 7pm. The link is on your Moodle.

Click the pictures below to read the full newsletter.

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