The Institute of Education takes part in Inaugural Mount Anville MUN

The inaugural Mount Anville Dublin Model United Nations (MADMUN) took place on Friday December 6th and Saturday the 7th. The Institute was honoured with an invitation and a warm welcome to this new event. MUNs take a lot of work for all involved and addition of a new conference to the calendar is always a significant event. Below is an exciting account of the the weekend’s events from the team who participated!

‘We were tasked with representing the interests of 5 countries: The United Kingdom, Venezuela, Iran, South Korea and Ecuador. With a wide range of topics to cover and issues to resolve the lobbying and debates came to life from the very beginning. In the SOCHUM committee, students discussed working conditions in the garment industry and global primary education while down the hall in DISEC, they pondered protections for nuclear technology. The Ecology committee was more popular than ever since their concerns on plastic usage and Amazonian wildfires seem more pressing now than ever before. The students, a mix of both 4th and 5th years, presented resolutions, debated amendments and clinched key votes across a variety of committees.’

A huge congratulations 5th Year students Charlotte McCormack, Nicole Reid, Clare Mulrooney and Lexi Li for winning Distinguished Delegate awards. These awards are given to students that elevate the discussion and enrich the MUN experience for everyone. Well done!