A Message From Yvonne O’Toole, Our Principal, to Students

Yvonne O'Toole - Principal

A message from Yvonne O’Toole, our Principal, to students starting at The Institute of Education next week. We have been very busy preparing for your return to school and we are very excited to see you all during the orientation

Spotlight: Ava Canning – Irish International Women’s Cricket


Earlier this month, Cricket Ireland issued a press release confirming that, after several years of representing Ireland at youth level, our very own 5th Year student Ava Canning had been selected to join the Irish Women’s Cricket Squad. She made

4th Year students participate in SAIMUN Online Conference

Model United Nations

Normally, throughout the year, there would be lots of Model United Nations debates and conferences happening that our students would get involved in. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, during the 2020/21 academic year, almost all of these events had been