Jean Kelly

Jean has a wide breadth of experience in teaching Leaving Cert Ordinary Level Maths to students of all abilities and has been teaching in The Institute of Education for 20 years. Over that time, Jean has developed an unmatched track

Robert Kiernan

Robert teaches Design & Communication Graphics, having formerly held the role of Head of Technology at the Catholic University School. Robert has worked as an exam corrector with the State Examinations Commission for the past 2 years.

Peter Timmins

Peter is a teacher of Design & Communication Graphics. He has over 30 years of teaching experience and his students consistently score well above the national average in this subject.

Paul Mc Andrew

Paul teaches Religion and Politics & Society. He is an exam corrector with the State Examinations Commission for both Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate Religion papers. He published his first book, A Little Bit of World Religion in 2019 and

Robbie Cronin

Robbie teaches Irish and Spanish and has worked for many years with the State Examinations Commission devising curricula and as an exam corrector. He was a member of the NCCA committees tasked with devising Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate courses.

Begona de la Fuente

Begoña is a native Spanish speaker with over 20 years experience of teaching Spanish. After obtaining her degree in Spanish Language and Literature from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid she completed a course to specialise in Teaching Spanish as a

Enda Dowd

Enda is a teacher of biology and chemistry. He has 12 years teaching experience and has also worked with the State Examinations Commission. In addition to his timetabled classes Enda provides additional support to his students in the form of

Richard Hogan

Richard Hogan is an English teacher with over 15 years teaching experience. Richard works closely with his students to help them gain an thorough understanding of their subject and how to navigate the examination process.    

Erika Capello

Erika is a native Italian speaker. After obtaining her master’s degree in teaching Italian as a second language from the University of Paris VIII, she completed a specialised course in teaching Italian to secondary school students (CAPS) at the University