Ciara Coleman

Ciara Coleman is a music educator and choral conductor with over ten years of teaching experience.  Following her undergraduate music degree at Trinity College Dublin, she obtained a Masters in Music Pedagogy at the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Academy

Patricia Crowley

Patricia Crowley teaches the new Leaving Cert Art course. She has over 30 years teaching experience. As well as preparing students for the written exam in Visual Studies, she also supports students with their Art practical course work.   Patricia’s

Study Resources

Sample Notes Students who attend The Institute of Education are provided with exclusive, exam-focused study notes to support their home study and revision. Below are a sample of the high-quality Design & Communication Graphics (DCG) notes they receive. Solids in

Study Resources

Sample Notes Students who attend The Institute of Education are provided with exclusive, exam-focused study notes to support their home study and revision. Below are a sample of the high-quality music notes they receive. Composition | HarmonyComposition | Melody Reaction

Declan Kelly

Declan Kelly has worked as an art teacher for over a decade while maintaining an active part in the arts community. He has received a number of local and national awards for his practice including: Arts Council COVID-19 Response Award;

Tadhg MacHugh

Tadhg teaches Classical Studies at the Institute. He has taught at both Junior and Senior Cycle.

Robert Kiernan

Robert teaches Design & Communication Graphics, having formerly held the role of Head of Technology at the Catholic University School. Robert has worked as an exam corrector with the State Examinations Commission for the past 2 years.

Peter Timmins

Peter is a teacher of Design & Communication Graphics. He has over 30 years of teaching experience and his students consistently score well above the national average in this subject.